Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization of Iran (SATBA) is defined as the deputy of Ministry of Energy. It aims to improve energy efficiency and development of global energy via renewable energy deployment through private sector participation.
SATBA organization is responsible to promote the use of all type of renewable energy which include wind, solar, geothermal, small hydropower (up to 10 MW), tidal, wave & ocean, biomass, hydrogen and fuel cell energies, to improve energy efficiency by using optimized energy that prevents the electricity losses from electricity producer to the consumers and can lead to increase in efficiency and effectiveness of energy consumption, economic use of it, sustainable development and environmental protection.

Since SATBA responsibilities are governing, you can find the main activities as follows:
•    Setting macro, mid-term, short-term plans, regulations and required instructions related to the targets
•    Promotion and development of clean and renewable energy deployment, electrical energy demand management for effective and efficient use of renewable energy
•    Increasing the private sector's partnership and supporting the foreign investment
•    Development and diversification of the energy mix 
•    Technology development through research, installation of pilot projects, and infrastructure development
•    Awareness raising and developing the international relations in order to promote the widespread and increased adoption of renewable energy and optimization of energy consumption 
•    Setting standards and criteria, Feed in tariff (FiT) rate tables, guaranteed prices