Irema Test System
Iran Electricity Market (IREMA) intends to develop an open-source benchmark test system for teaching, training, and research purposes based on ISO Iran structural attributes and data. The test system should model an ISO-managed wholesale power market populated by a mix of generating companies and load-serving entities that operates through time over AC transmission grid.
The day-ahead and real-time markets should model by this test system involve ISO-managed bid/offer-based security-constrained unit commitment (SCUC) and security-constrained economic dispatch (SCED) optimal power flow (OPF) optimizations for the determination of unit commitment, dispatch, and pricing solutions.
Some researchers in collaboration with industry partners have been able to make use of ISO/RTO-scale systems. However, these systems are not open source and are not easy to access for most researchers. Moreover, the systems are so large and complex that it is difficult to use them for intensive sensitivity studies. The 240-bus WECC test system provides a realistic large-scale test system for the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) and the Western Electricity Coordination Council (WECC) for the purpose of studying possible improvements to existing market features.
Other researchers have developed publicly available test systems; but, to date, these systems have largely been designed to facilitate the study of system stability at relatively small time scales rather than the study of market performance over successive days. Examples include the IEEE reliability test systems stored at the University of Washington archive.
The traditional IEEE benchmark-system focus on power flow problems for local stability analysis has been extended in more recent test systems and software packages to permit a consideration of OPF solutions based on the bids and offers of market participants. This development reflects the increasing use of OPF optimizations in centrally-managed wholesale power markets.
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