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The design of the production arrangement of the electricity market was fully automated

  • 25 December 2023
  • 12:58
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The design of the production arrangement of the electricity market was fully automated

According to the Public Relations report, Hamidreza Bagheri, “Deputy of Iran's Electricity Market” announced this news and said: The production arrangement of the country's power plants is the result and output of the competition of electricity market's players in the daily activity of the electricity market, which is conducted in the form of a day-ahead auction.

Hamid Reza Bagheri pointed out that during this process, after receiving the price offer of power plants and network information, factors such as fuel relationships and tolls outside the market are checked, and the amount and production of each power plant on the day of the program after extraction and for implementation will be sent to the deputy director of the country's electricity network.

The deputy of Iran's electricity market stated: Before the mechanization of this process, the colleagues of the network management's electricity market production arrangement group, after receiving the aforementioned information, implemented the electricity market arrangement process in several stages and required the physical presence of technical experts in all days of the year and control the outputs provided by the software.

He continued: The nature of the “continuous execution” of this process and the possibility of creating “user error” on one hand and issues related to “information security” on the other hand, led the vice president of the electricity market to implement this process in a new structure without the need for intervention. In addition to increasing the speed and accuracy of the aforementioned operation, the market players are confident that their information is safe before the market is implemented.

Hamidreza Bagheri, emphasizing the implementation of the automation process (mechanization) of the electricity market, after solving all the existing challenges and errors, will be implemented automatically from the middle of December 1402. He added that with the implementation of this method, all stages from data entry, information verification, communication between databases, etc. are performed automatically without human intervention.

Bagheri clarified: According to the results and appropriate feedback from the implementation of this method, the Iranian Grid Management Company plans to implement this method in other parts of the electricity market soon, where bills are automatically issued. As a result of the implementation of this method, along with the implementation of all current laws of the Electricity Market Regulatory Board, all electricity market participants will be sure that all electricity market processes will be executed in a safe and error-free environment of competition.

In the end, the vice president of Iran's market acknowledged all the power market activists, the board of directors, the CEO, and other vice presidents of Iran's grid management company, and the CEO of Energy Exchange for implementing this process.

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