The latest status of the certificate in the energy exchange

The volume of certificate documents reached 2243 megawatts

  • 03 January 2024
  • 13:00
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The volume of certificate documents reached 2243 megawatts

The total volume of capacity certificate documents in the energy exchange, from the initial certificate of the certificate market launch (1398) to the end of December 1402, reached 2243 megawatts.

According to the public relations report, based on the reports of Iran's electricity market deputy, 356 subscribers above 5 megawatts have been introduced to the Bourse Energy Company to receive Capacity Certificates, which 688 transactions have been made in the Capacity Certifications' trading hall.

According to this report, it is estimated that the total value of the trading is about 54 thousand and 88 billion Rials and the maximum price in this market is equivalent to 86 million Rials per kilowatt.

According to this report, 4,911 megawatts purchase requests by subscribers above 5 megawatts from the Iran Power Grid Management Company, were introduced to the Bourse Energy and at the end of December 1402, there were 1,621 megawatts of certificates for supply.

It should be noted that in December of this year, 14 capacity certificates transactions were done with a volume of 7 megawatts and a value of 588 billion Rials.

It is worth mentioning that the capacity certificate is a common document that can be created with the permission of the Ministry of Energy to create a new power plant capacity or reduce this capacity. Its unit is the kilowatt, which represents the supply of one kilowatt of power plant power for an unlimited period.

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