Increasing the role of electricity distribution companies in Iran's electricity market

  • 31 July 2024
  • 08:30
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Increasing the role of electricity distribution companies in Iran's electricity market

Since the beginning of 22 July 2024, the forecast of consumption needs of distribution companies became the basis of the performance of Iran's electricity market. According to the announcement of the deputy director of Iran's electricity market, with the efforts of the colleagues of Iran's electricity market operations office, based on 391st meeting of the electricity market regulation board on the topic of "participation of the consumption side in the electricity market" were officially implemented from 22 July 2024.
Mr. Bagheri added: Before the implementation of procedure 391 of the Iranian Electricity Market Regulatory Board, the amount of electricity purchase and the forecast of grid consumption needs were determined based on the estimate of the grid control center and the basis of the performance of electricity market systems for electricity purchase.
The deputy of Iran's electricity market said: "Iran's electricity market regulatory board, emphasizing the necessity of making the market two-way and creating its prerequisites, and with the aim of using the predictions of distribution companies in the implementation of the market, decided that the procedure for the participation of consumers should be considered and planned in the board's priority."
Bagheri added that with the implementation of the mentioned procedure, it is hoped that in the next step, by covering the possible shortcomings of the implementation of this resolution, and also by receiving the price offer from the buyers, the final step in creating a two-way market will be taken.


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