Electricity Transactions in the Iran Electricity Exchange in the Second Week of the Implementation of the Financial Flow Reform Plan

  • 29 May 2024
  • 10:18
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Electricity Transactions in the Iran Electricity Exchange in the Second Week of the Implementation of the Financial Flow Reform Plan

The volume of transactions of electricity distribution companies had a stormy start in the second week. It reached 684 billion Rials, with a significant growth compared to the first week of transactions.
While 71 billion Rials of electricity were traded on the first day of electricity purchase by electricity distribution companies from the electricity exchange, the value of these transactions reached 684 billion Rials at the beginning of the second week.
In the first week, 169 transactions with a value of about 1300 billion 
IRR and a volume of about 1.2 million megawatt hours were made. On the first trading day of the second week, 68 transactions with a volume of 638,880 megawatt hours of electricity were registered.

An important point in the second week of trading was the increase in the share of private-sector power plants over government power plants, so 78% of transactions were made by private power plants.
It should be mentioned that with the reform of the financial flow of the electricity industry, the electricity distribution companies buy the electricity they need from the electricity exchange.

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