Page 17 - Annual Report 2023
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 Percentage (%)
                   electricity generation (50% of the total) and then steam and gas turbines possess
                   the second rank and contributed approximately 23% and 18% of the total
                   generated electricity. Hydroelectric technology however has a small contribution
                   (about 4%), which has been reduced by almost half compared to the last year.
 Gas Turbin  Combine Cycle  Hydroelectric  Steam  Nuclear  chart, combined-cycle  contributed  accounts for  the highest  percentage of

                                                                                                               Commented [IR4]: ﻪﻫﺎﺑﺗﺷﺍ یﺩﻧﺑ ﻪﻠﻣﺟ
 Figure 8: Plant Factor of Different Technologies in the Intended Fiscal Year
                                                                               ). It should be noted that the

 Power Market Annual Report  1401 17
 2.  Total Energy Traded in Spot Market                                Power Market Annual Report  1401 13
 2. Total Energy Traded in Spot Market  Nuclear, 2%
 As stated before, Some some portion of the total generated electricity is traded
 out  of  the  spot  market,  (and  via bilateral contracts and within  the  energy
 As stated before, some portion of the total generated electricity is traded out of the spot market,   Hydroelectric, 4%  Other, 3%
 exchange). Therefore, the amount of energy trade via the spot market is lower
 (via bilateral contracts and within the energy exchange). Annual purchased energy through the
 than the total generation. Annual purchased energy through the spot market, was
 307,295 GWh,  which shows 11,165 (3.8%) GWh  increase compared to the
 spot market, was 307,295 GWh, which shows 11,165 (3.8%) GWh increase compared to the pre-
 previous  fiscal year.  Figure 6 illustrates  the  volume  of  electricity  trades
 vious fiscal year. Figure 6 illustrates the volume of electricity generation on a seasonal basis. As
 generation in on a seasonal basis. As is seen, it represents a similar trend with
 is seen, it represents a similar trend with what is illustrated in figure 9.  Steam, 23%
 what is illustrated in figure 9.
                                                               Combine Cycle,
  100,000                                                          50%
                                               Gas Turbine, 18%
 GWh   50,000
                         Figure 7: Technology-Based Portfolio of the Electricity Generation in 2021-2022 Fiscal Year
  20,000           Figure 8 shows the Plant  Factor  categorized by each  energy conversion
  10,000                                      1
                   technology. Due to its inflexible nature, the nuclear power plant is ranked first
               Figure 8 shows the Plant Factor   categorized by each energy conversion technology. Due to its
  ‐                and presents the highest plant factor among other technologies .
 Spring  Summer  Fall  Winter  inflexible nature, the nuclear power plant is ranked first and presents the highest plant factor
               among other technologies   .
 Figure 9: Total Spot Market Energy Trades in the Intended Fiscal Year
 Figure 9: Total Spot Market Energy Trades in the Intended Fiscal Year
   3.  Total payment to sellers
 3. Total Payment to Sellers  11
 The main revenue streams of the power plants are reported seasonally in figure
 The main revenue streams of the power plants are reported seasonally in figure 10. The revenue   100
 10. The revenue streams consist of the  energy payment, capacity  payment,
 streams consist of the energy payment, capacity payment, ancillary services and the transmission   90
 ancillary services and the transmission usage cost. The highest total revenue is
 usage cost. The highest total revenue is observed in the summer time, whereas the lowest is re-      80
 observed in the summer time, whereas the lowest is reported in the winter. The
 ported in the winter. The energy payment and subsequently the capacity payment have contrib-  70
 energy payment and subsequently the capacity payment have contributed the
                     Percentage (%)
 largest share in the total power plants’ revenue.
 uted the largest share in the total power plants’ revenue.  1 2  This obtained by dividing the amount of generated energy to the amount of available capacity.
                     In case of hydro power plants, the plant factor represents the ratio of the generated energy to the stored energy,
                   and not to the nominal power.
 100000                30
 80000                 20
 Bilion Rials  60000   10
 40000                        Gas Turbin   Combine Cycle   Hydroelectric     Steam         Nuclear

 20000                       Figure 8: Plant Factor of Different Technologies in the Intended Fiscal Year
 Spring  Summer  Fall  Winter  2.  Total Energy Traded in Spot Market
 Transmission Usage Cost  81  164  63  42  1. This obtained by dividing the amount of generated energy to the amount of available capacity.
                  2. In case of hydro power plants, the plant factor represents the ratio of the generated energy to the stored energy, and
 Ancillary Services  2286  1981  2011  1795  As stated before, Some some portion of the total generated electricity is traded
                  not to the nominal power.
 Energy Payment  62792  82082  59669  48354  out  of  the  spot  market,  (and  via bilateral contracts and within  the  energy
 Capacity Payment  12091  29415  10188  6614  exchange). Therefore, the amount of energy trade via the spot market is lower

 Figure 10: Total Payment to Sellers in the Spot Market   than the total generation. Annual purchased energy through the spot market, was
                307,295 GWh,  which shows 11,165 (3.8%) GWh  increase compared to the
 4.  Ancillary Services   previous  fiscal year.  Figure 6 illustrates  the  volume  of  electricity  trades
 The  ancillary  services  payment  categorized  by  the  service  type  (namely:   generation in on a seasonal basis. As is seen, it represents a similar trend with
 frequency control, reactive power and black start) is illustrated in the fFigure 11.   what is illustrated in figure 9.
 It is evident that the frequency control payment encompasses the largest share of
 revenue among the other services, which is due in no small part to the policies    100,000
 and instructions issued by the regulating the revenues inor of IREMA.    90,000


                     GWh   50,000

    12                  20,000

                                      Spring            Summer              Fall             Winter

   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22